Factory Shop Hub

Beacon Factory Shops

Beacon has for years been one of South Africa’s biggest and most loved confectionery brands.

Very few confectionery companies launched in South Africa have established a major following in the sweets market. Beacon falls into the few that have etched their mark on nearly every child growing up in the country.

Producing classic sweets and chocolates at the highest standard the Durban based company knows the value of hard work and a continual pursuit of excellence. Founded by Lithuanian entrepreneur, Hymie Zulman was introduced to the confectionery industry from working stints in a bakery and  a sweets shop in the Transvaal province.

He later moved down to Durban in 1931 to open his own small confectionery factory selling to local markets. Eight years later the company moved into an even bigger factory as they increased the number of products they produced. The name “Beacon” and first iterations of their logo was incorporated in the late 1930’s.

Their rapid growth soon got the attention of the global market and in the late 1940’s Beacon started its relationship with the UK brand Maynards. Maynards Wine Gums was introduced to the African market and to this day are a staple for movie goers and gum lovers.